Logging Tooltip Extension

The Logging Tooltip extension adds logging information as tooltips to the Concordion output. The logging information is only displayed when hovering over the tooltip.

By default, this extension will capture all output from the root java.util.logging logger and disable console logging of the root logger.


<p concordion:assertEquals="getName()">Frank</p>

When run i [10:25:28.198]: Got name Frank
[10:25:28.199]: Failed to generate breadcrumb
with a fixture that logs and returns the name "Frank", it becomes:

<p concordion:assertEquals="getName()" class="success">Frank&#160;</p> _
<a href="#" class="tt"> _
<img src="image/info16.png" alt="i">&#160;</img> _
<span class="tooltip"> _
<span class="top" /> _
<span class="middle"> _
[timestamp]: Got name Frank  _
<br /> _
</span><span class="bottom" /> _
</span> _

where timestamp shows the time the statement was logged.

NOTE: the icon that appears above is after an execute command within this specification. Since we are running a specification within a specification, it appears in an unusual location.

Further Details