Cubano Demo Specification >

Demonstrates the use of the EntityPool class and the ResourceRegistry interface.

View the Log File (top right of each example below), to follow along with the management of the users.

Log File

Reserve User for Scenario

Given I need a User for my Scenario
When I reserve one from the User Pool
Then I am provided with Automation Agent 9

Log File

Reserve User for Scenario by Role

Given I need a User for my Scenario, with a specific role type of ROLE3
When I reserve one from the User Pool
Then I am provided with > Automation Manager 2 with Role > ROLE3

Log File

Reserved User is confirmed as being in use

Given I have requested a User for my Scenario
Then the User Pool confirms the use has been reserved

Log File

Reserved User is released from the User Pool

Given I have requested a User for my Scenario
And the User Pool confirms the use has been reserved
When I request the User to be released from the Pool
Then the requested User is confirmed as released from the User Pool