Storyboard Extension

The Storyboard extension provides the capability to embed a series of 'cards' containing screenshots or data (text, xml, or html) in a panel at the bottom of the specification.

This information is captured at runtime to present actions that have been performed on the system under test. These can be used both as an aid to understanding what the test actually did, and as a debugging tool when something goes wrong.

The name comes from a movie development technique where a panel of pictures or other movie clips, laid out in the sequence that they will be shown in the movie. In general, storyboards are a series of photos or drawings that outline the sequence of scenes and major changes in the movie.


This extension currently supports two types of cards out of the box:


If there are a lot of steps, or many examples in a specification the storyboard can get overly large, this is where containers can aid us. This extension comes with two containers:

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