Storyboard Extension >


The Storyboard has a number of methods built in to customise the storyboard:


Set a custom title for the storyboard.


Add custom card image that will be shared by all tests


Set how items are added to the storyboard:


Sets whether a card will be added to the storyboard when an uncaught exception occurs in the test. If screenshotTaker is set then it will add a ScreenshotCard, else it will add a NotificationCard.

Defaults to true


Sets whether a card will be added to the storyboard when a failure occurs in the test. If screenshotTaker is set then it will add a ScreenshotCard, else it will add a NotificationCard.

Defaults to true


If setAddCardOnFailure(boolean) is true then this will ignore second or subsequent failure. If using the Example command then each example will be treated separately.


Set a custom screenshot taker


Removes the screenshot taker so no further screenshots will be taken


A screenshot of the current page will be automatically added to the storyboard (as long as the screenshot taker has been set) when:

If not using the example command then final screenshots must be added manually.

This setting is also obeyed by containers that are configured to auto close such as the section container.

Defaults to true


If configured to take final screenshot for example, this will override that behaviour until:

This also prevents screenshots being taken if a test fails or an exception is thrown.


Prevent cards and containers from being added to the the storyboard. This is useful in situations where might be repeating an action several times and only want to record the first pass through, or performing cleanup steps and don't want the actions recorded.

Defaults to true

Advanced Customisation